If you don't get the humor, oh well; I do. ;-)
With no salutes to those who made the recommendations, and in no particular order:
* Have you seen “Before the Devil Knows your Dead” with Ethan Hawk and Phillip Seymour Hoffman? Sydney Lumet – who is older then dirt – directed and makes me think I could walk back into Bert’s place with six dollars.
** I recently rented "High Country" starring Charlize Theron. Comrade Chip (Rocco Zizza) has a cameo role as the high school teacher. Talk about art immitating life... - Messican
*** Ended a perfect day by seeing an almost perfect little film tonight; go see 'Once' -A small movie of nuance, great subtle performances by unknowns and full of some amazing music and lyrics that stir the soul. Loved it.
**** Nancy and I watched an ultra violent extremely funny and absurdly entertaining movie Sat. night. “Smoking Aces.” Check it out and let me know if you agree.
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