Thursday, October 30, 2008

A Friend's Synopsis

I wish I wrote this but a very good friend did...  Eloquent and pithy, I think:


I do not root for failure. I also do not say my country right or wrong. The invasion was a mistake because Hussein was already defeated and completely contained. He kept his psychotic people under control, through fear but so what? That was their problem. Finding and eliminating Bin laden and Al Qaeda was our problem. Hussein also kept Iran in check. Now none of this is happening. IT WAS A MISTAKE! Now when we leave it will fall apart but that was not the case before w. went in and his father and his men knew that. HOWEVER, if you go, employ the Powell doctrine. Kick ass, take control not allow an army to be disbanded and therefore spring up as a series of tribal insurgent armies supplied with arms we were unable to secure. THIS WAS A MISTAKE! This is horrible for our country! It never should have happened. Wrong from it’s conceit, it’s justification which was all lies, it’s concept, it’s design and lack of follow through. The world is either horrified or emboldened by our now clearly seen weakness. We can not fight simultaneous wars even when in the same region. We cannot afford this war, especially when giving massive tax cuts at the same time. So let’s enrich another enemy, China. Fucking brilliant! Wrong in it’s ENTIRETY!

I do not root for my country to fail. I do not turn a blind eye to its folly. An American victory would have been to vanquish the Taliban and shown for however long it may have lasted that a religion of such monstrous intolerance and backward looking yearnings for the human race would not be allowed to establish itself in the league of nations. That is not the future for mankind. Al Qaeda would not have been so strong if we cut off it’s head and it would not have so many new recruits. We should have gone after the root cause of this conflict and tried to see what could be done to improve. We should follow the money to Saudi Arabia and choke that off.

            Now of course the situation is this: When we leave, whenever we leave Iraq, it falls apart. Iran steps into the vacuum. Everyone hates us, our children died for nothing, the Iraqi oil is doing us no good but w, sure showed his father who was the better man.

            I can not live up to Christ’s mandate. I can never forgive this asshole, I hate him and always will. You know why? It is because I love and root for the best of the United States of America. This is not it.

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