Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Liberal or Conservative?

Speaking to friends about the Presidential Race, I was asked to describe my political views... "Are you liberal or conservative?" "Are you right or left?", "Are you red or blue?"... I would say I am socially liberal and fiscally conservative.  

"How can that be? Shouldn't it be one or another?" I don't think so as I believe they go hand-in-hand.  

I am socially liberal as I want the government to stay out of people's lives whenever possible. 

I believe in God and while no longer a Catholic, I am Christian. Yet I don't think I have the right to force others to live by the doctrines of the church. Theirs or anyone's. Should religion be totally removed from gov.? No. Should it be forced? No. Should laws be based on a religions dogma? No.  

I am fiscally conservative as I believe, again, the government should stay out of people's pockets whenever possible.  

We need taxes in some form, be they income, property, sales, or flat. The government needs to protect us from criminals (police), from fire (fire departments), from other militaries (armed services). I do not think I need to be protected from myself or need health laws.  

It needs to build roads and make sure no one does not have options. It does not need to reallocate large portions of our incomes to make us all 'equal' and the same. We don't work the same, aren't born to parent's who worked the same, don't sacrifice or delay gratification the same... We are guaranteed the PURSUIT of happiness, not happiness. And taking away the desire to run faster and harder in that 'pursuit' does no one any good. Where we end up in life and how are kids fare should be a testament to how our families have sacrificed, how hard we have worked and studied, how we have spent our lives.  

Working harder and smarter not only should help the individual and their family but would benefit the country. That is why Capitalism, while flawed, is still the best system in the world in comparison to any other.

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